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30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge

I challenged myself to a 30 day challenge. I used to run every day and loved it. I don’t know what made me stop, it was so long ago, I don’t remember anymore. I decided I would jog (lol). I stayed steady and when I started to get tired, I would walk fast. Then I would start up again. It feels good to run again.

Your heart is pumping, your blood is flowing, and your body is getting more oxygen than before. My daughter, who runs every day, invited me. I had been thinking about getting into shape the last few days, so I thought, why not? I felt that even if I couldn’t keep up with her, I was still out and doing good for myself. I didn’t let her distract me from staying focused on listening to my mind and body. I knew I could do it. So, I continued to jog and then walk, jog and then walk. Along the way, I felt like nature was speaking to me. I realized that everyone, including myself, needs to spend more time outside.

As I was jogging, I encountered peace. I began to think about my daughter when she was younger, I remember encouraging her to finish a goal, or to get through things one day at a time. I felt like she was encouraging me now, as she was running ahead, leading the way. I saw this moment is in a positive light. We stopped at the playground to swing for a minute. It was fun and relaxing (as I caught my breath lol) Then we were up on our feet, back to jogging.

As we jogged back into our neighborhood, she handed me something. It was a leaf shaped as a heart. I felt like she and nature were encouraging me to keep going. I smiled and said thank you. I kept repeating the bible verse in my head “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13, to help me finish the last half mile to my house. Life is full of moments. You can see and feel the love if you just look for it. It’s right in front you!

It’s in the people around you, in nature, in animals and in life. It’s your decision if you will make today a good one. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Just live for today and enjoy the moments with your family, and friends. Make each day count for your benefit, you will feel better and be healthier. A positive thought can get you to the finish line, or a negative one will assure that you ever leave your bed.

30 Day Challenge