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10-28-2023 A word for Christians around the World


You are to pray, forgive, and repent today, right now, why do you wait? You are here on earth right now for such a time as this! (hope and courage) Yes! You! God created you in the womb to be here and be his hands, mouth and feet. To walk along the earth during your personal journey with the people he puts in your path. To help them in some way even if it seems small to you because that is all you have or can do. He is greater and your kindness is multiplied and given great rewards in Heaven. You have a purpose. Yes! You! Every one of us! 

We are to stand for the weak and the children. You will be judged on how you raise and teach the little ones so be sure that you do not let “self” get in your way. All things should be taught to them through Gods words not “self-gratifying” words that help you but, to help their spirit and souls. We are praying for you all today. Pick up the word of God daily, let it strengthen you. Be bold, be courageous, for God will do miracles in front of you! Believe in Him and what He is saying to you, speaking to your spirit. 


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