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Day 5

Day 5

Day 5 of the 30 Day Challenge. It’s 47° outside. A little chilly for us Texans. Nice evening. Enjoyed the run with my daughter and our dog, Diamond.
Day 4

Day 4

Day 4 of the 30 Day Challenge. Rainy and cold today, for Texas. But when your running it feels refreshing. And we have a lot if trees that cover us from most of the rain coming down. Overall, great day!...
Day 3

Day 3

Day 3 challenge. Had to run late because of a very busy day. Looks like my shadow ran ahead of me. We had a good run tonight! We also enjoyed seeing the beautiful Christmas lights. Tomorrow it will be raining and cold in Texas. It’s not too late to start your...
Day 2

Day 2

We decided to run this evening. It was a gorgeous day. Beautiful sunset! Very nice run tonight day 2 goal met. Enjoyed viewing Christmas lights as we ran through the neighborhood.
Day 1

Day 1

#startstoday #youcandoit #todaywasagoodday #weatherperfect #youarenotalone #stayfocused #onedayatatime #youweremadetosucceed #encourageandinspire #inspirationalcrossroads