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Bloom where you’re planted

The seed fell on hard ground. But the seed saw there was a crack in the surface where at first it looks like there was no hope. Along came a little breeze and pushed it into the crack. Then, it found the light in its situation and took root. As the rain fell it didn’t complain. Instead, it jumped for joy because it was being seeded, watered and fed. As the days went on there was heat from the sun and human traffic all around it. But it still did not give up.

It continued to grow into this beautiful little plant with green leaves and multiple colors of blooms.

You see, the seed decided to find the positive with every obstacle that came its way. And because it did, it grew with beauty even though the odds were against it. You can too! When an obstacle comes your way look for the good, and the positives and go in that direction. Look for purpose and strength. You will find it.

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