If he has prepared us in advance to do His work here on earth then you should move forward with confidence. He will equip you with all you need to move forward. He is with you and will be helping you through His plan. Always pray every day and forgive others. Let God...
The seed fell on hard ground. But the seed saw there was a crack in the surface where at first it looks like there was no hope. Along came a little breeze and pushed it into the crack. Then, it found the light in its situation and took root. As the rain fell it...
Ever find yourself talking about someone else? Gossip? Whether is it true or not we are not to gossip. We are not to judge others no matter what we think. God is the ultimate judge. Have you not done things in your past or even now that you had to repent over? Not one...
Ever wonder why you feel empty inside and can’t quite ever feel 100% happy? Because we chase the wrong things in life. The physical things are only temporary. They keep us happy but just a short while. Then we look for more physical things that “we...
“Can you recall a time in your life when you’ve gotten frustrated trying to untie a knot? I think we all have. I once heard from a professional kite flyer that even if you get your strings completely knotted up you can untangle them, you just need...
Today is the day to change all that. Mary Mary’s official music video for ‘Shackles (Praise You)’. (I have no rights to this video I am sharing for educational purposes only) This song is called Mary Mary-Shackles. Listen to this song for a moment. I...