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Sharing a Part of Me With You

I want you to know that I am an ordinary person like you. A human being on this earth trying to help others. To give people hope, in dark times, when they feel there is none.

I remember January 27th, 2017 vividly, it was the day my dad passed. My husband took off work to come tell me in person because he didn’t want anyone else to tell me over the phone. He is the love of my life and there could have been no one better than him to tell me. I didn’t want to believe my dad left this world without saying goodbye, however, when I thought back to all the times I spoke to my dad on the phone or through text, he always said goodbye and I love you!  

I remember feeling that I could have just lost it right then and there. I felt like time had stopped, and things went in slow motion. Then, I felt that God was with me, and that gave me a calming peace inside. I reflected on my dad’s life, how he lived 75 years and the love he had for his family and friends. I wanted to share a part of me with you to let you know that I am just like you.  

You see, my dad will always be a part of me. He encouraged me, instilled values and morals that I still have today, and all these things I have passed along to my children. He was a Christian man and truly loved the Lord with all his heart. I know my dad is in heaven, and this gave me peace knowing his eternity. I will always feel that. 

Here is the letter I wrote to myself the day I heard my dad died: 

Some people say we live and then we die. But that isn’t all true. There is a life we form and shape along our journey. My dad gave so much of himself during his life. He sacrificed his life for ours. Three small kids in diapers and runny noses. What does a man do with 3 kids all alone? He moves forward. He thinks positive thoughts, he encourages, and he develops a secure environment for his kids and works hard to support them. My dad always was positive, and always encouraged us in our lives. He watched us make mistakes as we grew up and was there if we needed him for advice. He didn’t lecture us when we became adults just offered advice if we asked. Never told us what to do or metaled in our business. He was a man of courage and strength. Always laughing and smiling, I guess that’s where I get it from. He didn’t put a woman before his kids. We were his focus. Maybe it was because we required a lot of attention. I can certainly tell you this, I know why my life went down the road it did. God chose my dad because he knew he was a faithful man. A man that could help shape us into what God wanted us to be. We are able to have happy successful marriages, of course that’s also because God blessed us with wonderful partners. He knew exactly what we needed. I know I will see my dad again someday and that will be a wonderful happy celebration day…. because I will also see my grandma and grandpa there too. 

Sharing a part of me……. with you,



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